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Dynamic Novations
Dynamic"N"Ovations is focused on connecting businesses and the powerful people behind those businesses. Business MatchMaker, Round Tables and Powerful Events.

Integrated Alliances
IA is Colorado's network of networks, bringing people and businesses together through professional, entertaining, successful networking events and workshops/seminars.

Top 15 Tips to Prevent Identity Theft
Top Tips to Help Prevent ID Theft

Provided By: Peggy Goehringer
Independent Associate and
Certified ID Theft Risk Mngt. Specialist
Pre-Paid Legal Services w/ID Theft Shield

1. Subscribe to a reputable company that not only monitors your credit on
an ongoing, 24 hour, 7 day/week basis, but also provides RESTORATION (not resolution or reimbursement) when you are a victim

2. Cross cut shred all junk mail/documents with personal information on
them before throwing them away.

3. Mail all outgoing mail from a secure location such as an official United
States Post Office box.

4. Never give your personal information out to anyone unless you initiate
the contact.

5. When making online purchases, make sure that you are on a secure
website. It will have an s after the http (ie: https://) Use a separate
credit card with a low limit for online purchases. Using your debit card
gives easier access to your bank account where your daily living expense
money is more readily available.

6. Copy the contents of your purse/wallet and keep in a safe place.

7. Don’t just sign the back of your credit cards. Specify “Photo ID
Required” or “Please see ID” with your signature.

8. Never carry your social security card in your wallet/purse and have
your social security number removed from your driver’s license.

9. Check your bank and credit card statements regularly.

10. Keep your blank checks in a secure location. When ordering new
checks, have them mailed to your bank (not your home). Use
your first and middle initials with your last name and your cell
phone number vs. your home phone. Don’t carry your checkbook
unless you know you will need it that day.

11. When writing checks, use a felt tip marker or gel pen. Do not use
a ballpoint pen. Ballpoint pen ink can easily be “washed”.

12. Ladies, hold onto your purse while shopping. Never leave it in the
cart unattended.

13. Take your trash to the curb the morning of, not the night before it is due
to be picked up. At the curb, it becomes public property.

14. When doing anything financial online be sure to use an online
connection in lieu of wireless.

15. Opt out of credit card offers at 1-888-5-OPTOUT or online at This won’t stop all offers completely, but
will definitely slow them down.

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