Christian Singles Groups
45+ Fun Singles - Littleton
We would like to grow our group with fun-loving Christian singles and spiritual seekers who are open to discussions of faith. We love to dance, hike and ride bikes. We have pot-lucks, movie nights, dinners and lunches out.

Beginning Experience - Grief Resolution
To facilitate the grief resolution process for adults and children who have suffered a loss through death, divorce or separation, thereby enabling them to again love themselves, others and God.

Bible Online
Enter the Bible passage, keyword or topic you want to find.

Christian Counseling
Our staff provides Christ-centered counseling to Christians and non-Christians who are hurting in their private lives, personal relationships, and desperate circumstances - people who long to be set free from a destructive past
Exchange Life Ministries
7350 East Progress Place, Suite 206
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
I cannot begin to tell you how helpful ELM was to me years ago. I highly receommend Exchanfe Life Ministries. Lory

Single & Single Again Christians - Denver Metro
This is an exciting Christ-centered ministry on Tuesday Nights for Single & Single-Again Christians (30s, 40s, 50s plus). The group started in November 2011 with 30 people attending but has quickly grown to over 1900 members.

Singles Celebrating Christian Living
We welcome all Christian singles and non married couples, (ideal ages 30's, 40's and 50's) to join us for Christian events and community activities. If you enjoy being with other Christians, attending Christian events or any of the following activities, then please join us.

The Spiritual Warfare Prayers
The Catholic Warrior takes readers through spiritual boot camp and teaches them to draw on the power of Christ through a warrior’s greatest weapons,
faith, love and prayer.
"For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
—Ephesians 6:12
PO Box 27422 Denver, Colorado 80227

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