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Adventures in Dance

After Midnight at Let's Dance
Highlands Ranch Community Association & After Midnight Jazz Band is pleased to present a regular Swing Dance Every 4th Wednesday featuring Swing, Foxtrot, Waltz, and other ballroom dances, it is open to all ages and abilities. Click on Let's Dance.

Andrea Deaton
Andrea Deaton's Excellence in Dance is a dance company based in Littleton, Colorado, USA that promotes and teaches the art of partner dancing.

Colorado Dancesport
We teach any partnership dance you want to learn, including Ballroom, Latin, Salsa, Swing,
Dancesport and Country-Western dances.

Colorado Round Dancing Association
Round Dancing is basically choreographed ballroom dancing with all couples dancing the same figures around the floor at the same time, similar to a formation dance team or to sequence dancing.

Dance Cruises
Andrea Deaton presents Dance Cruises throughout the year

Dance Fusion International
Instructor, Dianne Losasso has over 20 year professional dance experience.

Dance Instruction and DJ
NEW Tuesday Night Dances Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday. www.dancesmithdancetroy.com

Dance Shoes
We have discount dancewear, dance shoes and accessories for adults and youth, for women and men, for dance groups and for individuals.

Denver Jams
Dance Party on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at Club Octane! Cover is $10 pp, includes: $5 drink voucher for 15% off the Sports Bar menu, Free beginner dance lesson 7-8 pm at Red & Jerry's is at 1840 W. Oxford @ Santa Fe & Oxford

Denver Turnverein
The Denver Turnverein is home to four major partner dance clubs: Lindy, Salsa, Tango, West Coast Swing

Good Times Dance Club
The Goodtimes Dance Club is a non-profit, social dance club, providing live Big Band and Ballroom dance music in Northern Colorado.

Second Sunday Swing from 6:30 to 9:30 PM
for dancing at Copper Fields Event Chateau 4901 Marshall in Wheat Ridge. 18 piece Jazz West Big Band. Dance to the music of Count Basie, Duke Ellington and all your big band favorites, with ballads, latin dances and the occasional waltz. $10 Cover and Cash Bar
Directions from Wadsworth Blvd., go East 1/2 mile on 52nd Avenue to the light at Marshall Street. Turn right. Go South on Marshall to Copper Fields on your right.

Let's Dance Denver
Kevin & Pat Whiteley teach dance on Tuesday nights in the South and Wednesday nights up North in Arvada

Lindy Hop Swing Dance
Lindy Hop Swing Dance of Denver, Colorado

Line Dancing Classes with Joy
Line Dance Classes
9070 Maximus Dr. Lone Tree, CO 80124
right in front of Park Meadows Mall
Line-Dance classes at Treos
Dance With Joy/ Line Dancing at Treos/ 3-5 Sundays and dancing afterwards/ line dance to all types of music/ 720.353.3021/ sweetspiritofjoy.com to e-mail

Rocky Mountain Swing Dance Club
West Coast Swing Dancing Every Sunday at the Denver Turnverein

SALSA Dancing
Joseph Snowhawk of the Dance Collective D Note 7519 Grandview in Arvada
303-668-7355 for more info.

Salsa Crazy
Meet new people, find a dance partner or just have fun. Salsa ~ Cha Cha ~ Merengue on Saturday Nights

Sharp Images Dance
Our dance is at the Ramada Inn on N. Speer and Zuni Every Sunday from 6:00 to 10:00pm. Ballroom music, some country and some line dances. Beautiful dance floor, excellent d.j.

Step Up Let's Dance
Join 50+ Singles at Saturday & Sunday Night Dances with a Live Rock’n’Roll Band

Tango Colorado
We are a nonprofit organization, dedicated to the promotion of Argentine Tango, the dance of passion

The Tango House
The Tango House Annual Holiday Benefit Milonga,
Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2005
2 classes and a great TTH milonga will take place for the benefit of two valuable charities. The Brandon Center, providing shelter and aid for battered and homeless women and children. Dreampower Ranch (22 miles southeast of Castle Rock, Colorado) provides the sanctuary for PAALS.

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