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Wine Tasting
When: Saturday, December 6, 2008

Join us on
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Wine Styles
Englewood, Colorado
(just off I-25, east of the Dry Creek exit)
for an afternoon of good wine, good food
and to help save the pandas.

We will taste four different wines.
Come anytime between noon and 4:00 p.m.
The tasting is free but donations are requested.

Enjoy a fun afternoon, take a break from the holiday rush and
contribute to saving one of the world’s most endangered
and beloved creatures, the Giant Panda.

Pandas International will be taking reservations
to assure a place for you and your guests.

Please fill out the form online
or give us a call at 303-933-2365.

See you there!

10111 Inverness Main Street, Suite G • Englewood, Colorado 80112

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