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Downingtown Mercantile Company

George & I are happy to let you know we have reopened our online store.

Currently, we have Boyds Bears, Gourmet Foods, Iron, Candles, and Pottery uploaded since they are some of our more popular items.

It's still a work in progress and more items will be posted along the way.

Don't forget, free gift wrapping on any item $10.00 or more. Just make a note in the instructions section when you click to check-out.

Please spread the word to all your friends and if you haven't stopped by our place yet, we look forward to seeing you soon!

Visit www.downingtownmercantile.com and click the button on the left side for "Start Shopping Online!"


Wishing you all the best,

Spencer Pyle
Downingtown Mercantile Company
147 East Lancaster Avenue
Downingtown, PA 19335-2943
Ph: 610-518-1550
Fax: 877-571-4115

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