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The Man Who Would be King

By Lory

He was born a Savior in a small town
Who rulers feared and the needy wanted around

He had many followers, who heard his every word
He spoke truth with wisdom and promised a
better world

He met a woman in the street, they called an Adulteress
He urged those without sin, the first stone to cast

He never judged, but looked the other way
When they confessed, their sins he had forgave

He healed the sick and gave sight to the blind
He gave food to the hungry and
Brought someone back to Life

He suffered and died to save all of mankind
They took his body, but his soul they could not find

The man they called Christ, that some had called King
And after three days, he rose to live again

The Man who would be King

Happy Easter

The Place Where I Grew Up

By Lory

Take me back in time
To the place where I grew up
On a busy boulevard
In the middle of the block

See the big backyard
Where all the kids come to play
And the tree I use to climb
Almost every other day

What a view from the top
Of the tree where I saw
How small the field was
Where the kids played ball

Find the path that leads
To the dead-end street
Where the neighborhood kids
Would play hide-n-go seek

Picture the end of the road
In the snowy winter time
Watch us slide down the hill
And land right in the ice

I could ride my bike
To the park from the pool
Then take the back roads
Where I use to go to school

As I travel through time
From the place where I grew up
I bring back memories of
My younger days that I so loved

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps"
~ Proverbs 16:9

The Angels Say

by Lory

The Angels Say
All you have to do is Ask
The Angels Say
Throw away your Doubts

The Angels Say
Believe that It Will Be
The Angels Say
Be Patient and Let it Happen

And After you receive Your Gift
The Angels Say
All you have to do is Say
Thank You

"For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways"
~ Psalm 91:11

They Say

by Lory

They say he was the son of a Roman Deacon
And drove the snakes out of Ireland

They say, though he was not born there,
He grew up with the memories of a slave

They say he escaped with Pagans to France
And later became a Bishop

They say he heard the voices of the Irish
Beckoning him over and over again

They say he came back as a missionary
To convert the Pagans into Christians

They say he used the Clover as a sign of the Trinity To preach the word of God

They say he was shunned by the aristocracy
And the royals banned the wearin’ of the green

They say he was the greatest missionary there ever was
And they called him the Apostle of Ireland

They say he built a church in Ireland
And others followed his example

Now they say his name with Pride, Strength, and Courage when they say…

“Happy St Patrick’s Day”

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