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Archdiocesan Catholic Singles Retreat

Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Catholic Singles CORE Team

Saturday, November 4, 2006

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Registration 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM

John Paul II Center
1300 South Steele Street, Denver

Cost: $ 20.00 per person, cash or check.

Guest Speakers to Include:

Deacon Richard Brady, Spirit of Christ Catholic Community, Arvada, CO
Mary Ann Van Buskirk, Catholic Counselor, Life Dimensions, Inc., Denver, CO
Retired Deacon Mike Howard, Spirit of Christ Catholic Community, Arvada, CO

Light Refreshments & Beverages will be served.

No Need to RSVP.
Please Pay at Registration, Day of the Retreat.

Call Kathy, 303-371-7923 for details.

Growing in Relationships Workshop at CHCC 10/1-11/19

Sunday, October 1 - Sunday, November 19
7:00 pm - 8:45 pm
Cherry Hills Community Church Singles
3900 East Grace Blvd
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

This 8 week workshop is designed to explore how we got where we are, where we go from here, and how to have healthier, more honest and more fulfilling relationships with God, ourselves and others.

The class will be taught by a licensed clinical therapist and offered by the singles ministry.

Cost is $75 per person. Please call Kathy if you would like to register.

Contact: Kathy Burr 303-325-8427
email: kburr@chcc.org

Calvary Baptist Church of Denver presents

Wednesdays 7-8:30 pm

"SINGLE SENSE" is a spiritually based program that provides seminars relevant to single adults in the greater metro-Denver area.

The focus is 'good sense' information that helps you to be your personal best in life.
This is a unique program that blends personal growth and spirituality with community connections.

Thursdays in September 14, 21, & 28. Life Enrichment Series. Three simple ways to ruin a good relationship. Learn about how control, idealization, dependency, and abandonment can effect your relationships. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Cost is only $5 for the three week series. After the meeting you may join the group for refreshments and fun at Applebee's in Tamarac. Call Warren for more information at 303-757-8421 x239.

Single Sense meets at Calvary Baptist Church located on the NE corner of Hampden and Monaco.
Contact Warren Risch 303-757-8421 or http://www.calvarydenver.org/singles/

Thank you,
Joan Feist

A Divorce Recovery Workshop 9/25-11/20

this workshop is designed to assist individuals through the trauma of significant losses associated with divorce and separation.

This nine-week program utilizes topical presentations and small group discussions to offer encouragement, support and hope in a meaningful and relevant way.

Monday Evenings, September 25 - November 20
Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Cost: $75.00 (Pre-registration required)

Program will include topics such as:

Relational Loss
Grief & Emotions
Re-establishing your Identity
Letting Go
Building Healthy Relationship

To register, return your completed form and enclosed check to:
Kathy Burr, Singles Ministry
Cherry Hills Community Church
3900 E. Grace Blvd.
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

For more information, please call (303) 325-8427

Name ______________________________________



Zip __________________________

Email address_______________________________________

Phone Number(s) H _________________________ W _____________________________ Age ______

Divorced ____________ Separated______________ How Long ______________

Length of marriage?________________________

Ages of Children __________________________

Relationship Recovery/Divorce Recovery

Everyone Knows Someone Who Is Hurting.

We all know people, who know a friend who
is dealing with the loss of a loved one through
Death, Divorce, Separation of a marriage,
or the end of a long term love relationship.

Date: October 27, 28, and 29, 2006

Event: "The Beginning Experience Weekend"
Host: Beginning Experience (www.beginningexperience.org),

An international Non-Profit Grief Support Group program
helping people of all faiths.

Contact: Gen 303-422-3185 or Connie 303-465-2521

Cost: $165.00
Includes: Weekend Room & Board, and 6 week follow-up program

Location: Mary Crest Retreat Center in Denver
Space: Limited Space

Registration: Gen 303-422-3185 or Connie 303-465-2521

Description: "The Beginning Experience is an ecumenical program
designed to help the widowed, separated and divorced, and other
persons who have experienced a significant loss, to make a new
beginning in life. B.E. helps them deal with the psychological
grief process and also offers, an opportunity for turning pain
into an adventure of grace. The purpose of the B.E. Weekend is
to provide space and time where individuals can come together
to re-evaluate their lives in an optimum atmosphere of loving,
caring and sharing, and to move on to the future with renewed
hope. The B.E. Weekend is designed to be a time of closure
on the past and a new beginning in the present. Persons who
come should be beyond the initial feelings of anger and despair,
which usually follow the loss of a loved one. They should be to
the point of desiring a new beginning and be ready to make
that desire a reality. A specially trained team leads participants
through the B.E. program, which consists of team presentations
followed by personal, private reflection and dialogue in small groups.
The dialogue groups, led by team members, are gently formed into
a warm supportive community built up by a simple and non-threatening
method of dialogue. The B.E. team includes men and women who
are divorced or widowed as well as other persons with experience
in life renewal. The weekend is quiet, reflective and spiritual. It
begins on Friday evening and ends late Sunday afternoon."
Includes 6 week follow-up program.

Visit our Website

Contact: Gen 303-422-3185 or Connie 303-465-2521

Singles Retreat

Sponsored by: Archdiocesan Catholic Singles CORE Team

Saturday, November 4th

John Paul II Center, 1300 South Steele Street, Denver

12:30 PM – 5:00 PM Retreat

5:30 PM Mass, Church of the Risen Christ, SE Denver

6:30 PM / 7:00 PM Dine-out nearby to follow, near CRC Parish, SE Denver

Cost: TBA

Speakers: Deacon Michael Howard, Retired from Spirit of Christ, Arvada, 20+ years experience with annulments, “Annulments in the Catholic Church”

Mary Ann Van Buskirk, Life Dimensions, Inc., Catholic Counselor/Relationships, Denver, “Seeking Healthy Relationships”

Deacon Richard Brady, Spirit of Church, Arvada, 10+ years experience with singles, “The Catholic Church vs Singles”

Contact: Kathy Frasco, 303-371-7923 for further information

Open to all singles: separated, divorced, widowed, and never married, ages 35+.

Letting Go Singles Workshop

If God were to bring the ideal partner into your life tomorrow, would you be ready for him/her?

If you answered, "NO", find out what you need to do to get ready, so you can enter a new relationship with a clean, pure heart.

1-Day "LETTING GO" WORKSHOP - Sat., Sept. 9, 2006, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Lunch break: 11:30-12:30) (This is an interactive, Christian-based workshop. Brief passages of scripture will be included in the format.)

LOCATION: Meeting Room at Hampton Inn, 1500 S. Abilene, Aurora (I-225 & Mississippi. For MAP: Click on this link:
Map of 1500 S Abilene St
Aurora, CO 80012-5591

FEE: $40.00/Advance by Sept. 2nd (Hand-outs, folder, snacks & beverages provided) Lunch NOT included in price.

Sept. 9th SCHEDULE:

9:00-9:30 - Check-in & Get Acquainted Mixer (Includes juice, coffee & breakfast snack)
9:30-11:30 - Healthy Goodbyes - Learn how to know when it's time to end a relationship; how to avoid bad breakups; how to make a clean break; and what to do while you are healing.
11:30-12:30 - Lunch (We'll decide on a place nearby and eat together.)
12:30-2:30 - Emotional Baggage - Learn how to tell when someone is "emotionally available"; and get better closure on the past.
2:30-4:30 - Blocks to Intimacy - "It's not as important to seek love, as it is to seek within yourself all the barriers you hold against its coming." -M. Williamson

GROUP SIZE: Limited to 14. HURRY!

Here's what people are saying about the popular "Letting Go" workshop:

" I felt a lot more positive leaving this workshop and will recommend it to my other single friends." -Terri
"I enjoyed the workshop very much. You were very informative and knowledgeable. Keep up the good work. -Paul
"You really helped me in taking that last step to let go!" -Tracie

REGISTRATION FORM: 1-Day "Letting Go" Workshop, Sept. 9th:




$40.00 check must be received by Sept. 2. Make check payable and mail to:

Melody Ellenberger
3140 S. Peoria St., #168
Aurora, CO 80014

Melody Ellenberger
Certified Training Specialist

WomenSpirit Rising

Women’s Self-Validation and Empowerment Group

Would you like to learn self-validation skills, would you like to heal from the past and move into a vibrant and exciting future? Would you like to become your own person while learning to love and be loved without losing your soul in the process? Would you like to live a passionate life doing the work you love, living with people you love and who love you back in the ways that make you feel whole and accepted?

If so, then please join other women in a warm and supportive atmosphere where the scientifically proven theory that when women come together healing take place and excitement about life abounds. Group led by Lorraine Banfield, Psychotherapist in private practice specializing in women’s issues.

This is a therapy group for women who have experienced any of the following:

Co-dependency - Emotional, Relationship Dissatisfaction and Unhappiness – Married or Single - Singles Issues Related to Dating and Finding a Life Partner -Childhood Wounds such as Abandonment, Neglect or Alcoholic Parents -Issues with Self Esteem, Self Confidence and/or Self Reliance -Career Problems -Anger Issues -Anxiety and Depression - Tuesday or Wednesday Nights 6-8PM Day and Start date - TBA -Cost $25 Per Session - Near I-25 and Hampden - Call 303-273-5589 for info and Directions - Begins soon!

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